Take ya L, dust yourself off and pull up those big girl panties!

I remember going to an awards ceremony and hearing an engaging, motivational speaker, forgive me, his name alludes me now! But I promise he was engaging! Ahhh, I remember, a Trini chap, Richard Dick Solomon.

He addressed the audience and spoke about your setback is preparing you for your come back, or something profound like that! The words resonated with me though, especially this past week as I did some introspective thinking. Four years ago, I was in a place I didn’t want to be in. I was going through the motions, I wasn’t happy, I knew I wanted to follow my passion, but I was scared to take that step.
Fortunately, or as ordained, my position of 15 years was made redundant. I was being let go. My coworkers thought I would be in tears, but I was smiling, I was happy, this was the push I really needed. I spent a week at home, and during that time, “Free-Spirit Communication” was birthed, I got my first three clients within that week, also that week, I was asked to work for three weeks at a company. That three weeks turned into three years! While at that organization, I had the opportunity to push my passion for communication. All good things come to an end, and that lead me to where I am today, at an organization, that is reaping the benefits of all things Social Media, Communications and Marketing that I bring! My story has a happy ending, and so can yours too, so just know, what you see as a negative sometimes is really a positive. Remember, sometimes, you have to take your L’s, and then get up, dust yourself off, but on those big girl panties, pull them up and wait for the blessing that’s coming!
Need some inspiring? Need some advice? Free-Spirit Communication is here, to make you the hero of your story! Call us today 822-0617
* Taking your L- refers to taking your Losses